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I am Home. And hope to find peace. i need the most powerful to hear A A A A

You dont know me and i dont know you. But our energy does. I am home. Here in this website and with you people but more than that im home inside my own castle. Because i dont know anything bout this website
I just got here.
But i know if u have told the others or not that this castle is the universe, BUT ALSO THE CASTLE INSIDE U. YOUR ENERGY. And we are going from floor. Life to life. Battling wizards. The negative energys. Which r really the life lesson we must learn in that life!! And the negative wizard needs to use people who are weak and negative
Themselves. And he has to spread his power to the MANY which leads him weak and open for an easy victory. The time is now my fellow Followers of magic. The negative powers r in control of so so much and u know what i mean if you know all this is true.
We will be doomed
But don't all knights win?!?
Cuz they BELIEVE 100%
And they have confidence.
Ok people of special importance. I didn't know the stuff here until i wrote it down. Only the very beginning.
I free write and have so much proof of this. I never knew how special i rly was until about 5 months ago!! No joke. Ive just always known i guess. But denied its beauty.
I gree up Catholic, being told amazing things but in a way they make you doubt it my saying this was truth but the way they said it make u say HOW. The wizards meant to write it this way so the common people would hear this truth and then here FOREVER AND EVER! FOREVER AND EVER. ETERNITY!! JUDGEMENT!! PUNISHMENT!! FOREVER!!
they say these over n over to scare us away from faith my scaring us away from death
Because people death, because they truly fear living.
I no longer free life!! What so ever!!
And in this i welcome death with open arms, and i will not quiver at his feet. I will hug him. And ask how he is doing. I will ask if i can help him with anything. Even just a soul to talk to on the way. For anyone who is lost? Im surprised ur still readying. Cuz you really do not benefit my life or your if you are doing it to just talk shit after. That is the wizard in your life that your still in hard battle with. But your God is with you if you will only just believe. I am in need of a smart master Magician to contact me soon. I need help or i will not be here. I need someone to come save me. House me and teach me. I was told i know the secrets to alchemy. I just needa remember. And once that is obtained. We can start to finish, we can get our castle, our whole kingdom back. In so new to this i know nothing.


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