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Escola de Magia
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Mother and Child A A A A

"No one understands me, mom. They say I'm stupid. No one believes me. You are the only one who can understand. I know, no other person except you knows that I'm afraid of dark, that I'm scared of heights. My life is slowly falling apart in pieces. I don't know if you miss me the same way I do. I'm a strong, brave boy in front of everyone but my heart knows how it cries without you. My eyes are craving to see your smile, my heart pains when it remembers how you used to play with my hair, my hands tremble when I recall how you used to kiss them while I used to cry. I never told you that I love you, but actually I just don't love you, you mean the world to me. When I used to be scared the first thing I did was look at your face and all you did was smile, all my fears used to vanish the moment I saw it. Don't leave me, mom, because without you I'm nothing. Everyone has forgotten you, no one remembers that you are alive, that you are on this bed for past three years. They think of you as a dead body, but no you are not a dead body, you are my mother. Dad is busy with some other lady, he doesn't care about you. He says you are no better than a zombie, but I know you aren't any of that he says. I'm not like them. I haven't forgotten you. I still miss you, I still need you. I'm as scared as the lost child in unknown place, because I fear losing you. Deep down my heart is still that innocent child who wants his mother more than anything else. For once, come back. Prove everyone wrong. Prove them that I was not wrong, you did return. Prove them that you are not just a dead body. I don't understand how could everyone forget you so easily? You used to be the reason of happiness in everyone's life, you used to do so much for them, and now they don't talk about you even in months. You always told me that they love us, you never came to know how they actually were. Just for once, open your eyes, for me. Just open your eyes, and I promise I'll make you the proudest mother. You are my last hope, my last wish."


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